The public art report for Queen’s Wharf opens up a world of colourful possibilities

The public art report for Queen’s Wharf opens up a world of colourful possibilities

Regardless of your feelings about the current Queen’s Wharf development, we can all agree that this absolutely mammoth piece of real estate makes for a pretty prime canvas. Such a large and diverse space opens up the artistic possibilities to a whole new level, as well as a set of challenges when it comes to respecting the history of the space. An exciting public art report from Destination Brisbane Consortium has just been released for Queen’s Wharf, proposing some ideas and concepts that are sure to turn heads.

There are a number of crucial factors that have been taking into consideration in the Queen’s Wharf art report, with a large focus on creating art that is truly world-class. A number of ‘destination pieces’ have been proposed, keeping Brisbane’s international profile as a new world city on the rise. The proposal also supports the commissioning of a broad range of artists to take part in the venture, citing differing experience levels and places of origin to ensure an even mix of both local relevance and global standing. Inspirations will be drawn from qualities that are uniquely Brisbane, such as its friendly people, our sun-drenched climate and (of course) the River.

Some of the key proposals put forward in the report are truly stunning – a veranda taking on the form of a ‘suspended sun’ designed to clad the ceiling threshold between the Port Cochere and the Brisbane Steps, and a ‘crystal cascade’ suspended down from the ceiling of the atrium and within the light well of the Porte Cochere. Other plans include a blooming floral-inspired pedestrian bridge to South Bank, graphic ground plane treatments, pavilions, text-based paint treatments and a wide range of large-form sculptures. The plans also encourage the creation of heritage trails to acknowledge and promote Brisbane’s history – a historic trail named ‘Queen’s Walk’ and an Aboriginal trail named ‘Mangrove Walk’ have both been put forward. Indigenous elements may possibly include visual art, a potential cultural precinct, landscaping with native and bush tucker plants and the story of Aboriginal parliamentarian Neville Bonner.

Excited? Take a look at the application in all of its glory here.

Image credits: Image copyright Destination Brisbane Consortium


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