Grow micro-greens with micro effort – say hello to Micropod
It’s a well-known story – you decide to level up your dining experience by growing your own produce and fall into the trap of thinking that maybe this time your plants won’t die from neglect. Fast forward a few weeks and all you have is a withered mess to clean up and you find yourself (yet again) reaching for the plastic-wrapped supermarket substitute. Sound familiar? Never fear, friends, because we may have the solution for you to become a green thumb – it’s called Micropod.
In one cleverly crafted package you will receive all that’s required to grow your own micro greens with ease. Micropod supplies a growing dome to ensure that both humidity and ventilation are carefully controlled, along with honeycomb grills to sit on the bottom of the container to provide support for healthy root growth. The key ingredient is Micropod’s seed mats, which contain the seeds plus all the nutrients needed for healthy little sprouts. All you need to do is add water, and you’re good to go. Choose from a range of mixed micro greens or just go for your favourite green – including red kale, pak choi, mustard greens or even broccoli.
Not only is Micropod far easier to maintain than your usual veggie patch, but micro greens are packed full of nutrients. In two weeks the greens will be ready to eat, with the range of leafy greens, herbs and vegetables offering up to 40 times more nutrients than when mature. Sitting pretty on your windowsill, a side table, or your kitchen bench, there’s no need to leave your kitchen to fetch the freshly grown fruits of your labour – Micropod is unobtrusive and compact, ready to go no matter how small your space is. Sprinkle the fruits of your labour on whatever you like – from salads to pizza, the choice is yours!