The Grocer: Starfruit

The Grocer: Starfruit

Pretty as a picture when sliced up, the starfruit is a not only a refreshing little snack, but a mighty fetching garnish.

Starfruit, also known as carambola or five fingers, is a distinctively-shaped tropical fruit native to Indonesia and Malaysia. The trees grow best in hot and humid conditions, which is why they thrive right here in sunny Queensland, particularly up way up north in the tropics.

The oval-shaped package of goodness is characterised by five prominent ‘ribs’ or ‘wings’ that reveal a star-shaped pattern when cut crosswise, hence its name. Technically a fleshy berry, you can identify the flavour of a starfruit just be judging its hue, with the yellow fruit tending to be sweet, while its green-skinned counterpart usually a touch sour. Despite its ‘exotic’ status, this five-fingered fruit is available all year round from your local supermarket.

Use this crisp and juicy little berry to make wonderfully festive star chips, a jug of refreshing iced tea, Vietnamese hue pancakes with hoisin dipping sauce, or spicy starfruit pickles. Otherwise, simply slice it up and use to decorate your desserts, cocktails and fruit salads.

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