Forget working from home when you can work in luxury at QT Gold Coast

Forget working from home when you can work in luxury at QT Gold Coast

At the start of this whole covid crisis, the thought of working from home was great – no commute, snacks all day and the freedom to wear (or not wear) whatever you damn well please (providing you didn't have any annoying Zoom meetings scheduled). But as the weeks roll on, the sheen of WFH (working from home, in case you missed it), has well and truly worn off. The snacks are gone, it's too cold not to wear pants and the temptation to watch a few eps of Judge Judy during work time is proving impossible to resist. If you need a little break from your own iso-office/home jail, QT Gold Coast invites you to WFH – work from hotel, that is. more

Do good and donate unwanted stuff to Good Stuff Market's virtual op-shop

Do good and donate unwanted stuff to Good Stuff Market’s virtual op-shop

All of this extra time at home has yielded some unexpected outcomes. For some, it's a newfound interest in baking whilst for others, isolation has meant time to tackle all of those annoying tasks you've been meaning to do – like clearing out the junk cupboard. You know the one, every house has one. That cupboard where you put all of the things that don't have a place. The only problem is, what to do with it all since the vast majority of op-shops are closed for donations for the foreseeable future. Say hello to Good Stuff Market – it's the virtual op-shop 2020 needs right now.  more

Get clay-zy with saniTEA DIY pot-making kits

Get clay-zy with saniTEA DIY pot-making kits

An idea born from extreme boredom caused by the social distancing measures, saniTEA DIY pot-making kits is your new favourite quarantine activity. Thought up by the same creative folk that brought tee parties to Brisbane, Only T, this home-delivered kit teaches you how to make stellar-looking pots using your bare hands. That's right, this craft activity gives you the one and only excuse to get your hands dirty in a time where clean mitts are non-negotiable. more

Let Diddy soothe you into a sweet slumber with a guided mediation from Audible

Let Diddy soothe you into a sweet slumber with a guided mediation from Audible

In these anxiety-inducing times, lucid dreams and the inability to fall asleep easily have become common issues faced by many. Thankfully, the audio entertainment specialists over at Audible are here to help with a new collection of free meditations and bedtime stories featuring some of your favourite celebrities – including hip-hop legend (and former Puff Daddy) Diddy. Yep, you read that right – this is your chance to be led into a deep slumber by the soothing vocal tones of a hip-hop alum who, in the good ol' days, had you getting down and dirty on the dance floor to 'Bump, Bump, Bump'. more

For the true film buffs – stream independent flicks and documentaries with new on-demand service FanForceTV

For the true film buffs – stream independent flicks and documentaries with new on-demand service FanForceTV

Online streaming services have truly been a saviour for all of us in self-isolation, bringing hours upon hours of enthralling, binge-worthy content to our television screens. In the thick of the coronavirus outbreak a new platform has come to life – FanForce TV – which offers keen streamers and avid movie buffs a carefully curated selection of independent films and documentaries. more

Whip out your g-string leotard – Aerobics Oz Style is back, baby

Whip out your g-string leotard – Aerobics Oz Style is back, baby

It’s day 948 (accurate) of self iso and it’s likely your exercise motivation levels are at an all-time low. There’s just no, how do you say, pizzazz to virtual F45 – we get it. What you’re looking for, perhaps, is a couple of rounds of grapevines, maybe a series of hip thrusts and a killer ’80s dance soundtrack? Well it’s time to slip on your best lycra – cult-classic exercise series Aerobics Oz Style is back. more

Gotta get Theroux this – Louis Theroux is dropping his first radio and podcast series

Gotta get Theroux this – Louis Theroux is dropping his first radio and podcast series

As much as this *gestures widely* current situation is less than ideal, it’s sure as hell spawning amazing content from some of our favourite creatives. Award-winning filmmaker and unconventional sex symbol Louis Theroux is the latest curious mastermind to throw his hat in the ring, jumping onboard the podcast train after being commissioned by BBC Radio 4 to create some magic for all of us to enjoy. more

YASSS HUNTY! RuPaul’s Secret Celebrity Drag Race is dropping on Stan this weekend

YASSS HUNTY! RuPaul’s Secret Celebrity Drag Race is dropping on Stan this weekend

In case you’ve been living under a particularly joyless rock, you have probably already encountered the wonderful world of RuPaul’s Drag Race. The exceptionally binge-worthy franchise has become a legit pop-culture phenomenon, spawning a worldwide fascination with the art of drag. You’d think the winning combo of jaw-dropping transformations, gag-worthy performances and spicy arguments couldn’t be improved upon, but things are about to get a shake-up. We’re about to be blessed with a spin-off that will see mystery celebrity guests getting dragged up by some of the most beloved former contestants from the show – proving that we’re all born naked and the rest is drag. more

ClassBento launches live-streamed classes – with a free craft box delivered to your door

ClassBento launches live-streamed classes – with a free craft box delivered to your door

Whilst most of us are set on working through our self-iso bucket list, learning a new skill is sometimes easier said than done – especially when you're confined at home. Artisan experiences collective, ClassBento, know this all too well and as such, have pivoted to offer online creative workshops that connect eager students with local artisans and makers who are doing it tough. To be well-equipped with all the supplies you need, a free craft box is delivered straight to your door, so you don't even need to leave the house to pick up materials – it's a win-win, really. more

Heads up – P.E Nation’s massive warehouse sale goes online today

Heads up – P.E Nation’s massive warehouse sale goes online today

Coronavirus may suck majorly, but out of the chaos has risen a beautiful phoenix-like gift for us Queenslanders. Beloved activewear empire P.E Nation is shifting its famous warehouse sale online this year, meaning that you (yes, you) can access loads of iso-appropriate gear for a very tidy discount. From midday on Thursday April 16, the virtual doors will swing open for a shopping bonanza – get those clicking fingers ready! more

Mental health matters – tips to keep your mind game strong during self-isolation and quarantine

Mental health matters – tips to keep your mind game strong during self-isolation and quarantine

A month ago the thought of binge-watching Netflix, not having to wear pants and round-the-clock food deliveries would have sounded pretty great but now that it's our reality for the foreseeable future at least, it feels somewhat different. Life as we know it has changed and while there is a lot of emphasis on taking care of your physical health, what of your mental health? During times of increased stress it's more important than ever to look after your overall wellbeing, so we've compiled a list of little things that can have a big impact on your outlook to keep your mind game strong. more

Decorate your home office with local art from online collective Cream Town

Decorate your home office with local art from online collective Cream Town

As with a lot of professions, the arts industry and local artists in particular have have been financially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a lot of individuals completely losing their income. To help ease the financial strain, newly launched online art collective Cream Town is helping to support these artists by selling their works as prints. If you're currently working from home and have a little bit of spare cash, now is the time to shop local and purchase an eye-catching piece for a good cause. more

How to support the local Gold Coast arts and music scene during the coronavirus crisis

How to support the local Gold Coast arts and music scene during the coronavirus crisis

Gold Coast, right now our beloved music and arts industry (among others) is in crisis. All over the world, musicians are being forced to cancel concerts and tours left and right to try to curb the spread of coronavirus. Industry bodies are tallying losses over $200 million in Australia's music scene alone, and there will be more to come. While public health is paramount, the cancellations have affected everyone from artists to crew, management, promoters, agents, vendors, publicists, merchandisers, drivers, loaders, riggers and everyone else who relied on live events for their income. Visual artists have also taken a heavy hit to their ability to generate a living with city-wide gallery closures forcing the cancellation of upcoming exhibitions. We're all facing a tough road ahead but if you are in a position to help, here are a few ways you can show your support to the coast's… more

Bookworms rejoice! Audible is offering more than 100 free audiobooks

Bookworms rejoice! Audible is offering more than 100 free audiobooks

With many schools shut down across the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping young minds both entertained and active whilst they are stuck twiddling their thumbs at home is a monumental challenge. Doing its part to help the homebound community, audio entertainment retailer Audible has released more than 100 kid-friendly audiobooks to stream – for free! more

Shop local (from the comfort of your couch) at The Village Markets' first-ever Insta Market this weekend

Shop local (from the comfort of your couch) at The Village Markets’ first-ever Insta Market this weekend

For the past 12 years, The Village Markets has been an integral platform for makers and creators across the Gold Coast and Brisbane. It's so much more than just a successful market –  it's a creative community for small businesses, as well as a stepping stone that has turned countless local designers (like Peony and Zulu & Zephyr) into international brands. It's a facilitator of entrepreneurship. A mentoring hub for people with a dream. Even now, amid these insanely unsettling times, TVM's support for the creative community remains unhindered. Instead of a physical market, TVM is going digital – and its first-ever Insta Market is happening this weekend. more