Whip out your g-string leotard – Aerobics Oz Style is back, baby

Whip out your g-string leotard – Aerobics Oz Style is back, baby

It’s day 948 (accurate) of self iso and it’s likely your exercise motivation levels are at an all-time low. There’s just no, how do you say, pizzazz to virtual F45 – we get it. What you’re looking for, perhaps, is a couple of rounds of grapevines, maybe a series of hip thrusts and a killer ’80s dance soundtrack? Well it’s time to slip on your best lycra – cult-classic exercise series Aerobics Oz Style is back.

If there was ever a time to bring g-string leotard-clad women (and sometimes men) leading aerobic workout routines in random locations across Australia back to our screens, it’s now. As a country we are aching for motivation to keep fit while self isolating – and who better to do that than national exercise hero June Jones and her team of aerobic angels? That’s right – classic episodes of Aerobics Oz Style are now available to stream on 10 Play, promising a full-body work out to tone those couch-groove buns.

If you were born after 1999, allow us to fill you in. The cult TV series, which aired from 1982 to 2005, saw fitness instructor June Jones and an enthusiastic team of lycra lovers demonstrate a series of aerobic workout routines on our television screens every morning. The music was clubby, the leotards were high cut and the grapevines were so fun you forgot you were exercising. Now we get to relive it all again and – as an added bonus – we might emerge from our iso caves with buns of steel.

Aerobics Oz Style is available to stream now on 10 Play.


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