Learn the art of coffee at Elk's spring cupping session

Learn the art of coffee at Elk’s spring cupping session

Not all of us are experts when it comes to coffee, but a fair chunk of you know the difference between a good coffee and an average one. Whether you’re a one-a-day type of person or you’re known to live on the edge with multiple coffees each day, it’s high time we all learn a little more about our brews. Agree? Well, you should get along to Elk’s first community cupping session on Wednesday September 19.

Okay so ‘cupping’ is a tasting process, which is more used by baristas and roasters to identify flavours and qualities of coffee. It’s not only to appreciate and taste, it’s also to regulate quality and consistency for coffee brands. The team at Elk in Broadbeach are inviting you to come along to a free (yes, free!) cupping session, which is being hosted by coffee guru Wendy De Jong from renowned roaster Single O.

You’ll taste your way through a delicious line-up from Single O, including single-origin coffees from Costa Rica, Sumatra and Kenya, as well as exciting new varieties out of Mexico. Expect to do heaps of slurping straight from the teaspoon, then you can hang around for a new snacks and beers after. Elk’s coffee cupping session is being held from 5:30–7:00 pm on Wednesday September 19. Spots are limited and RSVP is essential via email to [email protected].

To find out more about what’s on in the Gold Coast, head to our Event Guide.


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