TWE My Dad's My Mate
TWE My Dad's My Mate
TWE My Dad's My Mate

My Dad’s My Mate celebrates Australian fathers

You may have left the mushy love cards behind in primary school, but that doesn’t mean the love for your father is any less real. A beautiful new photographic project is capturing the special bond between sons and their fathers, while also raising awareness of important issues within the community.

Lads and their dads often share a special bond – the kind that can be conveyed through the clinking of beer bottles, an awkward pat on the back or a strange and indecipherable email you mistake as spam. No matter how smoothly – or otherwise – your dad conveys his love, knowing that the unbreakable connection is there can make all the difference. Every relationship is different, but all are equally important, and talented Melbourne photographer Ben Capp has endeavoured to capture the miscellany of father-son relationships in his project, My Dad’s My Mate.

Recent surveys indicate that only three out of ten Australian men feel close to their fathers, and a poor father-son relationship can be linked to depression, anxiety and other forms of mental illness. With a long-term goal to produce a book and raise awareness of male depression, Ben has kicked off the project in blog form. The intimate portraits capture special moments between fellas and their fathers, celebrating their unique bonds and offering written insight into their personal journeys. A crowdfunding campaign will soon be launched in the hopes of providing a means to send Ben and several documentary filmmakers around the country to photograph fathers and sons from all walks of Australian life. Admire the project online and via Instagram, or if you think you and your pa are up to the challenge, get in touch with Ben here.


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