Splurge on some threads from Isabelle Quinn this winter
Splurge on some threads from Isabelle Quinn this winter
Splurge on some threads from Isabelle Quinn this winter
Splurge on some threads from Isabelle Quinn this winter

Splurge on some threads from Isabelle Quinn this winter

One of Australia’s rising fashion designers is growing up, producing a range of elegant and composed garments that are earning rave reviews from shoppers worldwide.

As far as up-and-coming designers go, Isabelle Quinn is at the forefront of the latest wave of impeccable women’s fashion. Like most brands in their early stages, Isabelle Quinn is experiencing huge levels of growth, developing from a grassroots brand to a fashion powerhouse in its own right. The brand has undergone some small changes in the past year, showing a greater sense of maturity and composure since debuting as IzzQ in 2013. Now Isabelle Quinn is producing sleek, stylish and handmade garments that appeal to anyone with an eye for strong aesthetics.

Isabelle Quinn’s autumn and winter collection ‘Marlene’ draws influence from the iconic 1930s actress Marlene Dietrich and the New Romantics sub-culture of the 1980s. Key fabrics include velvet, lace, silk and wool in simple hues. Tailored pantsuits, shoulder pads and sharp cuts feature throughout the collection alongside dresses, bustiers and shawls. You can get your hands on some Isabelle Quinn garments online from her own site or from The Clique Arcade, or at Soho Girl or The Classic Future Fashion House on the Gold Coast.


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