Green Jam Sessions announce Triplicity

Green Jam Sessions announce Triplicity

Bid goodbye to another week as you watch the sun set over the Brisbane River, accompanied by smooth melodies from a live band. No, this is not an advertisement for a retirement village, but rather the reality of a Friday evening spent at the Green Jam Sessions.

Presented by QPAC, the sessions are an outlet for the talented students who attend the nearby Queensland Conservatorium of Music. The event is not only free, but a great opportunity to take a peek at the next big thing on the music scene.

On April 13, the trio Triplicity will be delighting ears with its music. The jazz enthusiasts will perform an array of standard jazz pieces, as well contemporary arrangements, including original compositions penned by the group. The trio formed last year and consists of students Angus Hall, William Martineau and Zac Sakrewski.

Grab a patch of grass, or one of the cushions and crates provided, and settle into the chill out session. With plenty of drinks on ice, as well as a barbecue, Green Jam Sessions have everything covered for the evening ahead.

To find out more about what’s on in Brisbane, head to our Event Guide.


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