The Redcliffe Botanic Gardens comes to life for a food extravaganza
The Redcliffe Botanic Gardens comes to life for a food extravaganza
The Redcliffe Botanic Gardens comes to life for a food extravaganza

The Redcliffe Botanic Gardens comes to life for a food extravaganza

What’s Cooking in the Gardens? will be showcasing some of the best food and drink the Moreton Bay region has to offer on Sunday August 2.

In what is sure to be a great day fit for the whole family, What’s Cooking in the Gardens? will be the place to pick up some new cooking ideas, learn some tips about growing your own herbs, watch celebrity chefs in action and eat your fair share of fine food. From 9:00 am, the Redcliffe Botanic Gardens will be divided into multiple zones and stages, boasting a range of workshops, activities and live entertainment. On hand will be appearances from Gourmet Farmer’s Matthew Evans, My Kitchen Rules duo Rob and Dave and horticulturalist Jerry Coleby-Williams.

Learn how to make cheese with Green Living Australia, take notes on gluten and dairy free cooking from Wray Organic and have City Chicks teach you how to keep chickens at any inner-city abode. Kids can get their hands dirty at the ‘Mixing Bowl Playzone’ with pizza cooking classes, face painting and hoola hoop lessons, while the adults can sample some delicacies and fine wines at ‘The Garden Party’ or eat their fill of food and refreshments at the ‘Veg Out Food Court’. The festivities will be accompanied by musical performances from the Alex Crook Duo, Dana Hassal and Lennon Bosschieter. Entry to What’s Cooking in the Gardens? is only a gold coin donation, so what better way to enjoy a Sunday than by taking in the sounds and smells of the regions finest producers. Head to the event website for a full rundown of events and activities.

To find out more about what’s on in Brisbane, head to our Event Guide.


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