Need an escape? Gather around the fire pit at the new O’Reilly’s hinterland campground

Need an escape? Gather around the fire pit at the new O’Reilly’s hinterland campground

The idea throwing some clothes in a bag and escaping the city for a few days in the mountains sounds pretty great right about now. Fresh air, freedom and reconnecting with nature – what's not to love? Unless you are a seasoned camper and have a full suite of gear ready to go when you are, it can quickly turn from a budget-friendly getaway or family holiday into something far more costly and overwhelming. Well, fellow nature lovers, there's now a brand-new campground at O'Reilly's that is perfect for seasoned campers as well as total novices. The benefits of camping minus the hassle? We're in! more

Hoap for health and the planet one wash at a time

Hoap for health and the planet one wash at a time

Since COVID-19 reared its ugly head, an estimated 20 million plastic sanitiser bottles have made their way to landfills or our oceans. Whilst it's of paramount importance to keep those mitts clean and germ-free, the increased reliance on single-use plastics is not particularly great news for the environment. Thankfully, there's hope – or should we say Hoap – it's hand hygiene, reimagined.  more

Catch all of the cuteness of Phillip Island's Penguin Parade via the park's live stream

Catch all of the cuteness of Phillip Island’s Penguin Parade via the park’s live stream

Things are feeling pretty heavy right about now so if you're in need of a little light-hearted awwww moment, we highly suggest you set a reminder for 6:00 pm AEST to tune in to Phillip Island's livestream of its world-famous Penguin Parade. Live Penguin TV officially launched on Tuesday August 25 to a modest audience of 771,000 viewers who simply couldn't get enough of the adorable seabirds. more

Shopping steals and wicked deals – the massive Afterpay Day sale is back

Shopping steals and wicked deals – the massive Afterpay Day sale is back

Sometimes a spot of shopping is all you need to boost your mood and put a smile on your dial – helllooo dopamine! If you want to indulge in a little bit (or a lot) of retail therapy, then we've got some good news for you! One of the biggest online shopping events – Afterpay Day – is just around the corner. Get those digits ready to click like the wind so you can nab some splurge-worthy deals. more

Go below the surface with acne-fighting skincare range tbh.

Go below the surface with acne-fighting skincare range tbh.

Whilst a lot of skincare ranges are aesthetically pleasing, sometimes they don’t get to the root of the problem. That’s where tbh. skincare comes in. This science-first skincare line is formulated with a patented technology – XBIO – that effectively kills the acne-causing bacteria that lies within your skin. Stress breakouts sorted. more

The Weekend Series: relax to the max – treat yourself at these roadtrip-worthy day spas

The Weekend Series: relax to the max – treat yourself at these roadtrip-worthy day spas

Let’s just all agree that this year has been a pretty wild ride, which has probably (definitely) taken a toll on your soul and left your skin looking and feeling a little bit ordinary. The importance of carving out time for self care during times of increased stress cannot be understated – it’s not only good for your physical wellbeing but it’s imperative to keep your emotional and mental health in check. Sure, there are an abundance of day spas and salons within close proximity to your house but sometimes the very act of getting in the car and driving out of town for the day can be relaxing in itself. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up some excellent day spas in Southeast Queensland and beyond so you can truly make a day (or night) of it – massages, facials, treatments, coffee, and most importantly, time to yourself – sounds pretty darn great to us! more

Discover a whole new world at Australia's first underwater museum

Discover a whole new world at Australia’s first underwater museum

Life on land is feeling pretty overwhelming right about now so consider this your official invitation to dive deep and live out your mermaid dreams whilst exploring the newest exhibition at Museum of Underwater Art (MoUA). From August 1, Coral Greenhouse is officially open to visitors giving recreational divers and snorkelers the first peek at the colossal installation. Weighing in at more than 58 tonnes, Coral Greenhouse is the first-ever underwater building created by world-famous underwater sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor as a means to open debate about our relationship to our seas and highlight the importance of conserving them. more

Don't be silly, wrap sustainably with plastic-free Great Wrap

Don’t be silly, wrap sustainably with plastic-free Great Wrap

The use (or should we say misuse) of single-use plastics in the home is an issue we are tackling product by product. One nasty but need-to-have tool that we have yet to find a working sustainable alternative for is cling wrap. Of course, there has been a few biodegradable cling wraps that have hit the market, but these are usually made from regular plastic with an organic additive blended in. This means it disintegrates much quicker, but sadly it still breaks down into microplastics that then flow into our ecosystems and never disappear. In other words, these products are no bueno. Thankfully a new and improved product has arrived – introducing Great Wrap, and like its namesake infers, it is a great alternative for the environment. more

David Jones launches Mindfully Made so you can shop sustainably

David Jones launches Mindfully Made so you can shop sustainably

It is widely understood that fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world (the first is oil, just in case you were wondering) but what isn't as straight forward is where or how to start your conscious shopping journey. One of the reasons for this is that the term 'sustainable fashion' is inherently loaded and to borrow from the beloved green ogre Shrek, it's like an onion in that there are many layers. To help you navigate the minefield, retailer David Jones has joined the likes of Net-A-Porter and The Iconic to launch a platform dedicated to share the stories behind conscious brands and makers to make it easier than ever to shop better. more

Grow your own produce (and a green thumb) with airgarden

Grow your own produce (and a green thumb) with airgarden

If you jumped on the gardening bandwagon during the last few months, you likely learned the saying that 'it ain't all sunshine and roses' rings very true. With the knowledge that growing your own greenery isn’t as easy as it looks, brother and sister team Tom and Prue Bauer decided to take matters into their own hands. Inspired by horticulturist-approved technology, the pair nurtured and grew a leaf-covered solution – airgarden – an easy-to-use aeroponic garden that will help prospective fresh-produce growers to sprout up to 150 fruits and vegetables in less than one square metre of space. more

Make your morning routine plastic-free with Zilch's self-care box

Make your morning routine plastic-free with Zilch’s self-care box

Last week, we compiled five (hopefully) helpful ways to reduce the amount of plastic in your life. If you missed it, you can take a peek here and look, we don't want to rehash all of the grim details but the sad truth is that almost every piece of plastic ever created still exists in some form today. By 2050, reports indicate that the oceans could have more plastic than fish – let that sink in for a moment. Given its widespread use in literally every facet of life, reducing your plastic consumption can feel pretty overwhelming at the start – a feeling that Rachel Sebastian knows all too well. In fact, it was this exact sense of unease that motivated her to create Zilch – an online marketplace committed to turning your daily routine into a plastic-free one. more

Treat your dashing hound to a taste of the good life with botanical shampoo bars and calming pet-friendly candles

Treat your dashing hound to a taste of the good life with botanical shampoo bars and calming pet-friendly candles

If your four-legged friend is a little on the nose or your pupper pal sadly suffers from skin sensitivities, Cider & Basil is here to help. The pet-centric lifestyle brand was founded by Henrietta Lau in 2016 after her own dog, a 56 kg Maremma named Cider broke out in full-body welts after a bath with a pet-shop bought dog shampoo. The reaction was so severe that Henrietta took matters into her own hands and set out to create an all-natural, cleansing dog wash that not only smells delightful but is kind to irritated skin. more

Get your contraceptive pill delivered to your door with new subscription service Kin

Get your contraceptive pill delivered to your door with new subscription service Kin

If you’re a gal that pops The Pill on the daily, you probably know there’s nothing more inconvenient than trying to make a last-minute doctors appointment to refill a script. Luckily for us, there’s a new kid on the block when it comes to supplies and its name is Kin. Australia’s first subscription Pill service, Kin sends your contraceptive pill top-ups straight to your door by allowing you to ditch the in-person doctor’s visit for a 100 percent online, text-based consult. This means no more rushed appointments, last-minute trips to the chemist, or the dreaded moment you realise you’ve run out and you need a new prescription (d’oh!). Kin is here to help make this pill an easier one to swallow. more

Make up for lost time and missed celebrations with The Star's 2020 RE-DO packages

Make up for lost time and missed celebrations with The Star’s 2020 RE-DO packages

2020 has been pretty weird so far. Toilet paper became a hot commodity, 'han-san' and 'sanny' became a thing, panic buying caused actual brawls in supermarkets, restaurants were forced to closed and for reasons that are not abundantly clear, banana bread rose to its peak popularity since its inception. In amongst all of the COVID-19 chaos, people were forced to cancel celebrations left, right and centre, which means, dear friends, we have a lot of catching up to do! Thankfully, restrictions have begun to ease in Queensland and The Star Gold Coast is giving you the chance to make up for lost time and re-do all of those missed milestones, but better. more

Giddy up – a whole Wild West town is for sale in New Zealand for a cool $11 million

Giddy up – a whole Wild West town is for sale in New Zealand for a cool $11 million

Look, we are all craving an escape right now and waiting for this dreamed-up Trans-Tasman bubble is like waiting for rain in a drought – all we can do is cross our fingers and toes. So, entering our lives with perfect timing is this advertisement for a gloriously OTT Wild West-themed town in New Zealand. The best part? It can all be yours for just $11-million dollarydoos. If you're keen to live in your own Westworld (without all of the killer cowboy robots, of course) then read on ... more

Seven powerful page-turners by Australian authors to add to your reading list

Seven powerful page-turners by Australian authors to add to your reading list

Over the last few weeks we've shone a light on some beautiful beauty brands and clothing labels that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned and operated, or in support of local Indigenous communities in Australia (you can check them out here and here if you missed them) as well as some incredible artists, designers and jewellery makers (check them out here). This week, we're turning our attention to literature penned by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors (and illustrators) – from novels to non-fiction, poetry to compilations and even a little something for the wee ones. While this list has barely even begun to scratch the surface of Indigenous literary talent in this country, here are seven sensational and powerful page-turners to get you started. more

Ditch single-use sanitary items in favour of TOM Organic's eco-friendly and reusable period products

Ditch single-use sanitary items in favour of TOM Organic’s eco-friendly and reusable period products

Periods! Okay, now that we've given the gents who accidentally clicked on this story enough time to backtrack hastily, let's talk. Monthly visits from Aunt Flo are largely unavoidable and up until now, it's meant schlepping to the chemist or supermarket to replenish supplies of pads and/or tampons that are ultimately destined for landfill (because we all know flushing is bad). Here's the thing, according to The Fashion Advocate, the average Australian woman uses up to 12,000 disposable pads, liners and tampons in her lifetime, which is a lot considering there are around 12.6-million females in Australia. Thankfully, there's an eco-friendly alternative. Ladies, say hello to TOM Organic's reusable period cup and underwear. more

Beyoncé is here to save 2020 with a new The Lion King-inspired visual album

Beyoncé is here to save 2020 with a new The Lion King-inspired visual album

It turns out Beyoncé has been quite busy this year. Between raising her kids – Blue Ivy and twins Rumi and Sir – with Jay Z, maintaining an empire, and just being an absolute baller, it's been revealed that she's about to launch a new visual album into the stratosphere. Excited? So are we. Read on fellow Beyhives, because we have got the tea on this grand production, or rather, the lemonade. more

Add some eco-conscious beauty staples to your self-care routine courtesy of Peggy Sue

Add some eco-conscious beauty staples to your self-care routine courtesy of Peggy Sue

Self-care has been a major theme this year. Slowing down, taking the time to listen to our needs and indulging in the little things has kept us somewhat sane in the past few months. This also relates to our skincare routine – whether you have a ten-step regimen that you undertake morning and night, or your routine consists of brushing your teeth and a splash of water on your face, taking some me-time is important now more than ever. That's where sustainable-skincare makers Peggy Sue steps in. The Australian owned-and-operated brand sells a luscious range of eco-friendly self-care products, so you can take time to look after you and the world at large. more

Awe-inspiring Aboriginal artists and designers to discover – plus how to make an ethical purchase

Awe-inspiring Aboriginal artists and designers to discover – plus how to make an ethical purchase

Over the last couple of weeks we've brought you some seriously amazing beauty brands and clothing labels that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned and operated, or in support of local Indigenous communities in Australia (you can check them out here and here if you missed them) so that you can continue to transform intentions into actions and show your support for #BlackLivesMatter. This week, we're shining a light on some awe-inspiring artists and jewellery makers but before we delve in, when it comes to buying Indigenous art there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Firstly, in many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, art sales are one of the main sources of income so it's imperative to buy ethically and authentically. In doing so, you are not only protecting your own investment but showing respect and ensuring the artists are paid fairly. The Indigenous… more