Next Episode

In the immortal words of hip-hop legend Lil Wayne, “real G’s move in silence like lasagne”. Sage advice aside, the phrase rings especially true for Fish Lane’s secretive watering hole Next Episode Bar, which opened quietly in 2018. The bar is the brainchild of barber-turned-bar-owner Steve Pelecas and business partner Jonny Garrison, who has installed the bar behind a hidden door in his pop-up barbershop space. Inspired by the secretive speakeasy culture of hip-hop mecca New York City, Next Episode Bar is accessible only through the barbershop. A secret code found on social media is needed to enter – the hidden door will only reveal itself after the password is entered into a special phone on site. What lies on the other side of the door is a grungy industrial space – an intimate 35-seater venue boasting detailed murals of rap stars illuminated by more pink neon. Hip-hop themed cocktails, wines, beer and spirits are available, while Next Episode will be pumping the best hip-hop jams from the 90s and beyond.


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