The Dreamers.

Interviews and articles dispatched weekly

map magazine

we're dreamers

map magazine thinks that Dreamers make the world a better place and that there are tons of them that don't get featured in the mainstream media! So it's our mission to tell their stories. map doesn't define a successful person by great financial wealth, enduring fame or an impressive swag of material possessions. To us, a successful person is one who walks their chosen journey in life with great passion and an active conscience. One who achieves a sense of inner peace and happiness along the way and shares it with those they come in contact with. One who finds beauty and inspiration in their everyday surroundings. One who does not destroy or take advantage of the 'spirit 'of another.

Founded in September 1999 by Carl Lindgren, map magazine is Brisbane's only free monthly lifestyle magazine (40,000 copies per month distributed by letterbox and street delivery) focusing on people, and the latest in fashion, design, arts, entertainment, green, habitat, pop culture with a conscience and global thinking. map magazine is an intelligent and inspiring magazine and restores the values of community in Brisbane.

Dreaming Of ...

We are urban

Each month, map magazine celebrates these people by profiling local, national and international dreamers who are chasing and living their dreams. Through candid, in-depth interviews, we share the inspirational journeys of these dreamers, following their greatest triumphs and greatest challenges, inspirations and words of wisdom, so that our readers might be inspired to pursue their own dreams in life. The magic of language is unbridled; the power of the written word to evoke emotion, heal lifelong wounds, inform, educate and inspire, is endless. For thousands of years, legends have been passed down through generations via literature and spoken word, detailing the journeys of history's most inspirational figures. map magazine's team of storytellers weaves the tales of modern-day success stories – across the fields of fashion, design, travel, art, technology, the environment and humanitarianism – that one day, might well become the inspiring legends of future generations.

We are the world we imagine.

Can media
change the world
for the better anyway?

Of course it can! You are the media. Media is one of the single most influential aspects of our society and, as an arbiter of media, map magazine recognises its responsibility to use its influence to effect positive social change. If we can make the locals in Brisbane (and any global readers) feel more inspired then we have done our job. In our opinion, there is nothing better than a bunch of people with stars in their eyes ... it makes Brisbane a better place to live. We appeal to our readers' intelligence and empathy to make the world a better place by presenting them with pop-culture blended with the facts about social, humanitarian and environmental issues. In short, we are purveyors of pop culture with a conscience. These guys at TED also do a good job ...  And these guys are GOOD too ... Blake is not bad either ... Not to mention Scott!