Koffy Trike
If the weekend sighting of lycra clad clans of cyclists at your local coffee spot are any indication, there is some link that puts coffee and cycling hand in hand. The Koffy Trike is rolling with the trend and combining the two by distributing java to folk around town from the back of a custom tricycle. Using a bakfietsen – an old-fashioned Dutch tricyle, Koffy Trike hauls around a traditional lever press coffee machine to different spots around Brisbane in order to serve the finest single origin coffee. In addition to the delicious coffee, Koffy Trike pours gourmet hot chocolate and tea and also sells a few snackable cookies and chocolate bars. You can often find the Koffy Trike at Emma Miller Place on Ann Street throughout the week from 6:30 am to 2:00 pm, and at special events such as the Metre Market and Wardrobe Warriors Market.