Tank Bar & Dining
Tank Bar & Dining
Tank Bar & Dining
Tank Bar & Dining
Tank Bar & Dining
Tank Bar & Dining
Tank Bar & Dining
Tank Bar & Dining

Tank Bar & Dining

It’s like the old adage goes, if you’re on to a good thing. Scott Imlach, who heads the Imlach Hospitality Group, has opened the doors to a brand-new two-storey Palm Beach bar that is based on its sibling spot Bine Bar & Dining in Nobby Beach. Building upon its formula for success, the new venue has transformed the space formerly occupied by Wildernis into a laid-back watering hole that exists somewhere between a cafe and a pub. The kind of place you can stroll in straight off the beach with sandy feet and grab a bite and a beer. Scott and the team aren’t setting out to reinvent the wheel with Tank, essentially it’s Bine 2.0 but in Palm Beach. You’ll find the same menu, the same rotating selection of beer taps featuring the who’s who of local brewers, and yes – before you ask – the same happy hour and daily specials you’ve come to know and love from the Nobby Beach boozer. You’ll even find the same beer-centric art adorning the walls. At its core, Bine isn’t just about the chicken wings and craft brews, it’s a convivial neighbourhood bar that has a knack for bringing people together, whether it’s mates catching up for a round (or five) or perching at the end of a long table and striking up a convo with the people next to you. It’s this sense of warmth and familiarity that you will find at Tank. Tank Bar & Dining has space for 70 downstairs and another 70 upstairs. Those who venture down the corridor and up the stairs are greeted with a breezy light-filled space with views to the ocean.


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