Vintage Barclay ads

Man themes on show in vintage Playboy ads

While today Playboy hypes up the sex factor to the point of no return, the vintage editions of this lad mag sported poetic fiction by the likes of Vladimir Nabokov, Margaret Atwood and John Updike beside the saucy centrefold.

The creation of robe-clad Hugh Hefner, Playboy was first published in the spring of 1953, with Marilyn Monroe gracing the cover. The advertisements within these classic editions not-so-subtly radiate flirtation and sex appeal between the two sexes, with ads even as going so far to feature suggestively shaped products.

Appealing to the manliest of men, Playboy’s clients ranged from dream car company Mustang to suave James Bond-like Barclay cigarettes and smooth Canadian Mist whisky. Covering technology, liquor, cigarettes, cars, jocks and things to buy for the lady you’re trying to tame, the Playboy advertisments from the 1960s to 1980s dream up the perfect lifestyle for the perfect man. Jump back in time with this collection of vintage imagery by Retronaut.

Image via Vintage Ad Browser.


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